The legends were true--the griffins have returned. The whole world has opened up now that visitors arrived on griffin-back to see the King, bringing new ideas, skills, and materials unlike anything weve ever seen! The King demands even more: you measure up to the very best in the world?
Product Specifications
- 6 Borealis dice, 6 Aether Ore dice, 6 Heartwood dice, 6 Grimstone dice, 2 Archive dice, 32 Craft cards, 16 Visitor cards plus
- 1 alternate Sultan card,
- 1 Royal Decree card,
- 1 Victory card,
- 5 Aether Ore cards,
- 5 Borealis cards,
- 5 Heartwood cards,
- 15 Grimstone cards,
- Crystal Tundra Ambassador Tile,
- Great Cauldron Ambassador Tile,
- Hidden City Ambassador Tile,
- One Tree Ambassador Tile,
- 4 Variant Monuments/Request cards,
- 1 Narwhal first player token